> BA Design and Fine Art Programs


Dear Prospective Students!

We are pleased that you are interested in studying at our academy.

On this page you will find all the important information about the online application procedure for the undergraduate degree programmes as well as the information brochures for the individual departments.

Susan Lipp is available to advise you on general questions about the application and admission procedure as well as questions about online registration. Please send your concerns and appointment requests by email or call 030 47705 - 342 or 212!

>> Here you can find out more about our digital advisory services, information evenings + portfolio consultations.


Applications for the winter semester 2025/26 are already closed.

From 1 October to 20 November (12:00 noon CET) it is again possible to apply online for the undergraduate degree programmes or to register for the artistic entrance exam. 

The link to the online application portal Campuscore will be published here at the start of the application period. 

Here you will find information and dates for
portfolio submissions as well as for the artistic entrance exams
And our dates and links of the
digital info evenings and portfolio consultation offers of the departments


Study programs at weissensee art academy berlin

The design departments: Fashion Design, Product Design, Textile and Material Design & Visual Communication offer an 8-semester Bachelor's degree (240 ECTS), after which you can apply for the two-year Master's degree (120 ECTS). The Fine Arts programs with courses of study in: Painting, Sculpture, and Stage and Costume Design cover a standard study period of ten semesters and you graduate with a diploma (300CP).

All undergraduate degree programmes start together with the one-year artistic and creative foundation course.

1. Step: ONLINE-REGISTRATION for artistic entrance exam

Registration period:: 1 October - 20 November 2024 (12:00 noon CET)

The link to the online application portal will be published here from the start of the application process. We do not yet require any documents here, but international applicants will need a language certificate of at least A2.

Further steps to the APPLICATION PROCEDURE

Step 2: Submit the digital or analog portfolio with your own artistic work 

After successful online registration, all applicants will receive the link to the upload portal shortly after the deadline as well as all the necessary instructions for digital portfolio submission via the Campuscore application portal. The invitation can be accompanied by a small artistic-practical homework assignment.

The deadline for submitting the online portfolio is January 6 (12:00 noon CET). All information and many useful tips for designing the digital portfolio will be published here: >>Notes Portfolio & Artistic Admission test


Step 3: Artistic Admission test

After the digital portfolios have been reviewed by the admissions committee of the respective department, applicants will be informed (at the end of January) whether they have been shortlisted to take part in the entrance examination (17.02.-21.02.2025). The exact dates and times will be communicated in the invitation letter. The entrance exam consists of artistic tasks and an interview with the admissions committee.

Step 4: Admission to study

Applicants will receive the application form and instructions for admission to the course together with the notification that they have passed the entrance examination via the online portal. The submission of all required documents in the original, such as the Abitur certificate, only takes place after passing the entrance examination from March 1 to March 31. 
The artistic entrance examination is valid for two years. If you fail, you can reapply the following year.

You can find our admission requirements here!


>>Further information for international applicants



To enrol at weißensee school of art every student has to pay a fee of
326,40 €. This payment is due every semester (every half year) you study with us.

The fee includes the ticket for the local transport in Germany. No tuition fees are required for undergraduate programs!

Info: https://kh-berlin.de/en/studies/study-organisation/semester-ticket


Susan Lipp
General student advisory service
Room A1.03

Please send your request by e-mail 
or please contact us by phone: 030 47705 -342
(Mon -  Thu 10 -15 h, Tue until 17 h).

Personal office hours:
Tue 14 - 17 h and Thu 10 - 12 h and by appointment
For a personal appointment, please contact us in advance by telephone or in writing. Holiday: August 8 -30

Information brochures about the study program and aptitude test

All information about the entrance exam is under reserve! The format of the entrance examination as well as the portfolio submission 2025 can be found >>here!





Informationen zum Teilzeitstudium