If not out of print, khb publications are available from the following bookstore:
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Art Education (is always a) Political Practice

Anisha Gupta Müller (eds.)
weißensee academy of art berlin, 2024,
182 pages, EN (also available in German)
ISBN 978-3-9826799-0-7
This publication archives (some) pedagogies against oppression at art academies in the German context. It presents a variety of methods and materials from the classroom that inspire further development and application in other contexts. A special focus is placed on collaborative working methods:
The collective moments and exchanges with political researchers and artists* in Berlin are comprehensively documented. The publication contains texts, a scientific essay and images to illustrate and visualise the teaching material. This is supplemented by original artworks by the students, contributions by invited guests and photo documentation of the course.
ANISHA GUPTA MÜLLER is a scientific-artistic assistant in the EU ARTIS project at the weißensee academy of art berlin from 2022-2025.
Der Krieg im Kopf - The war in the head
Meditieren mit Bataille - Meditating with Bataille

Knut Ebeling
Matthes & Seitz, 2024, 365 pages, DE
ISBN 978-3-7518-6500-5
24 €
In rainy September, Knut Ebeling embarks on a Vipassana meditation to find peace and overcome depression. Although it is not his first meditation, he soon begins to take notes with a dripping biros and toilet paper. This experience is reminiscent of Georges Bataille, who meditated during the war years and published the little-received method of meditation in 1947. In his autotheoretical writing, Ebeling reflects on shared practice and the limits of the thinkable through sensual experience. He illuminates breathing, sensations, the asceticism of the gaze, pain and the passing of time as central points of reflection. Ebeling thus offers an intimate view of Bataille that leads into the crises of the contemporary self and our time.
KNUT EBELING is Professor of Media Theory and Aesthetics at the weißensee academy of art berlin.
Intertwining Practices: Teaching / Learning / Research
Insights into the artistic and creative project +dimensions

Juana Awad, Volo Bevza, Elaine Bonavia, Paulina Grebenstein, Madeleine Madej, Julian Netzer, Stefanie Rau, Henrike Uthe, Robin Rutenberg, Thomas Ness (+dimensions & XR-Tech-Lab; eds.)
weißensee academy of art berlin, 2024, anthology, 8 booklets between 12 and 52 pages, 3 folding objects, DE / EN
ISBN 978-3-9816991-9-7
20 €
This anthology contains eleven contributions that reflect the interweaving of the various practices of the artistic-design research group +dimensions at the weißensee academy of art berlin. The ten editors, each representing a different subject area at the art academy, dedicate themselves individually or in cooperation to research-based teaching and/or learning-based research and provide insights into their work processes over the past two years. In addition, over 100 contributors and/or co-authors (students and staff) are involved. The publication is part of the +dimensions publications series.
Protestkleider - Protest clothes
Clothing and the aesthetic politics of the street

Antonella Giannone, Christina Threuter
transcript, 2024, 134 pages, DE
ISBN 978-3-8376-7171-1
39 €
Hardly any street demonstration does without a symbolic item of clothing or textile ensemble for the creation of political alliances. Political visibility through clothing has become indispensable for an efficiently communicated protest culture: Yellow high-visibility waistcoats or even pink balaclavas go viral and mobilise translocal alliances of resistance. The authors analyse different protest constellations and artistic positions. For the first time, they shed light on the interweaving of the visual and material dimensions of protest clothing from the perspective of art, culture and fashion theory and show the emergence of new visual and symbolic meanings and patterns of action.
ANTONELLA GIANNONE has been Professor of Fashion Theory, History and Sociology of Clothing at the weißensee academy of art berlin since 2013.
Selbst dann - Even then
Mart Stam Prize 2023

Mart Stam Gesellschaft and mart stam stiftung für kunst + gestaltung and weißensee academy of art berlin (eds.)
Verlag Kettler, 2024, Exhibition catalogue, 128 pages, DE / EN
ISBN 978-3-98741-143-4
28 €
Every year since 1997, the Mart Stam Society, the non-profit organisation supporting the weißensee school of art and design berlin, has awarded prizes for the best final projects at the art school. Students from all fields of art and design can apply for the Mart Stam Prize. The decision is made by an independent jury. The prize includes the curation of a joint exhibition and the publication of a catalogue. The 2023 prize winners are Sara Hassoune, Birgit Kunz, Jung A Lee, Marie Lempelius, Nicolas Papayannis, Belen Resnikowski and Johannes Schmidtner.
Blurred Territories: Art / Design / Research
Insights into the weißensee academy of art berlin

Juana Awad, Madeleine Madej, Stefanie Rau, Henrike Uthe (+dimensions; eds.)
form + zweck, 2023, anthology, 5 issues á 44 pages, DE / EN
ISBN 978-3-947045-29-7
20 €
In five booklets, ‘Blurred Territories: Art / Design / Research’ collects contributions from 39 authors, including essays, treatises, dialogues, artistic image and text contributions and project documentation in German and English, exploring various positions and moments of interdependence between art, design, research and teaching within the weißensee kunsthochschule berlin. The publication appears as part of +dimensions publications, a publication series of the artistic-design research group +dimensions.
glass - hand formed matter

Barbara Schmidt (eds.)
weißensee academy of art berlin, 2023, exhibition catalogue, 155 pages, DE / EN
ISBN 978-3-9816991-8-0
28 €
The international project ‘glass - hand formed matter’, initiated by the weißensee academy of art berlin and supported by art academies, glass-cottages and cultural institutions, explores new perspectives on manual glassmaking in Germany and Europe. Glassmakers, artists, designers and students from Germany, Finland and Sweden were brought together to reinterpret and further develop the millennia-old craft of glassmaking. The accompanying exhibition showed a selection of the handmade glass objects. Finally, the departments of product design and visual communication at weißensee kunsthochschule developed the exhibition catalogue, among other things, as part of a joint semester project.
Queere Künstler_innen of Color
Negotiations of disidentification, survival and un-archiving in the German context

Rena Onat
transcript, 2023, 310 pages, DE
ISBN 978-3-8394-6405-2
49 €
Queers of colour are either absent from art history and contemporary visual culture or they are represented as hyper-visible Others. But what happens when their perspectives become the starting point for critical analyses of racism and heteronormativity in art and visual culture? Rena Onat discusses the significance of queer of colour criticism for art and media studies. She analyses contemporary works by Hasan Aksaygin, Aykan Safoglu, Sunanda Mesquita and Raju Rage, among others, in a translocal German-speaking context. These queers of colour use specific aesthetic practices to negotiate visions of disidentification, strategies of survival and methods of non-archiving/archiving their own stories.
RENA ONAT is the women's representative at the weißensee kunsthochschule berlin.
Reclaim the unknown
Mart Stam Prize 2022

Mart Stam Gesellschaft and mart stam stiftung für kunst + gestaltung and weißensee academy of art berlin (eds.)
Verlag Kettler, 2023, Exhibition catalogue, 141 pages, DE / EN
ISBN 978-3-98741-062-8
28 €
Every year, the Mart Stam Gesellschaft, the non-profit organisation supporting the weißensee kunsthochschule berlin, awards prizes for the best final projects at the university. The publication presents the 2022 award winners in detail in text and images. The graduates' works reflect current topics and discourses. From artistic explorations of personal emotions and psychological challenges to critical works about everyday racism and neglected urban development. With works by: Milan Bergheim, Kaja Busch, Ju Hyun Hwang, Nina Plášková, Sabine Richter, Alexandra Ruppert, Vaia Tatopoulou, Lor Willkomm and Jakob Wirth.
Architectures of Weaving
From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins

Christiane Sauer, Mareike Stoll, Ebba Fransén Waldhör, Maxie Schneider (eds.)
Jovis, 2022, 224 pages, EN
ISBN 978-3-86859-739-4
38 €
The weißensee school of art and design berlin is involved in the cluster ‘Matters of Activity. Image Space Material’ cluster at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, in the context of which this publication has appeared.
‘Architectures of Weaving’ builds a bridge between architecture and textiles by examining fibre architectures on different scales from the micro level of biological systems to the macro level of textile and built constructions. Selected case studies, essays and interviews reflect cultural practices and material research from the perspective of textile thinking.
The two editors CHRISTIANE SAUER is Professor of Material and Design in a Spatial Context and MAREIKE STOLL is Scientific Advisor for Design at the weißensee academy of art berlin.
Design, creation, formatività
Philosophies of Making

Patrica Ribault (eds.)
Birkhäuser 2022, 368 pages, DE / FR
ISBN 978-3-0356-2244-7
45 €
What do the creative processes of a neurosurgeon and a painter have in common? Using the definitions of ‘design’, ‘ creation’ and ‘formatività’, this book sheds new light on the creation and development processes of the material world. Theorists from various disciplines scrutinise the established processes of shaping, while artists, designers, engineers and scientists present their creative processes. Readers are given an overview of the spectrum of ‘philosophies of design’ and are invited to reflect on their own work, its possibilities and the associated responsibility towards the environment and to take action - there has never been a more urgent need to establish a new relationship between matter and form.
PATRICIA RIBAULT is Professor of Performative Design Research at the weißensee academy of art berlin.
*foundationClass/the book

*foundationClass, nGbK Berlin (eds.)
nGbK, 2021, 240 pages, DE / EN
ISBN 978-3-938515-83-9
10 €
The *foundationClass at the weißensee academy of art berlin is a preparatory programme for prospective students who have fled to Germany, have applied for asylum and have been affected by racism. The programme offers art and design lessons as well as the opportunity to build or reconstruct a portfolio in order to apply to German-speaking art colleges, among others. ‘*foundationClass /the book’ is an attempt to capture 5 years of intensive, multifaceted experiences and learning processes in images and writing. It is a toolbox offering ideas and inspiration for those interested in power-critical art production and education, an attempt at self-reflection and auto-ethnography, but also a polyphonic space of fiction, poetry and illustration.
Mart Stam Prize 2020

Mart Stam Gesellschaft and mart stam stiftung für kunst + gestaltung and weißensee academy of art berlin (eds.)
Kettler publishing house, 2021, exhibition catalogue, 144 pages, DE / EN
ISBN 978-3-86206-926-2
28 €
The Mart Stam Society, a non-profit organisation that supports the weißensee kunsthochschule berlin, honours the university's most outstanding graduation projects every year. These are presented in an exhibition and an accompanying exhibition catalogue.
Annabell Häfner, Cara Celine Schlenzig, Dominic Eger Domingos, Lorenz Pasch, Marie Luise Spielhagen, Sebastian Weise, Szu Wie Wu and Victoria Pidust are the winners from 2020.