Leave Of Absence


Request leave of absence


Every student has the possibility of taking up to two semesters on leave of absence during your studies. For each semester, a seperate application must be submitted. You are not allowed to take more than two consecutive semesters on leave, a leave of absence in the first semester is also not possible. The only exception is students on parental leave; these students may apply for a longer leave of absence.

While on leave, you still have the student status, have the right to take part in examinations. During your leave of absence, you are not permitted to take any courses or use the workshops.

Please submit the application for leave, stating the reasons, by the re-registration deadline (20 February for the summer semester/20 July for the winter semester), at the latest before the start of the semester (1 April/1 October), to the Office of Student Affairs (Referat Studienangelegenheiten, Room A 1.04)

Examples of such reasons would be:

• maternity or paternity leave
• disability and chronic illness
• financial reasons
• illnes attested by a physician
• care of close relatives in need of nursing care
• internships required by the program of study
• disposal of military service
• semester abroad
• psychosocial problems
• Panel work
• and serious personal reasons

Please note:

Please note:

1. no leave of absence is possible for more than two consecutive semesters and in the first semester. Exceptions apply to students on parental leave. They can take a longer leave of absence during parental leave.

2. the BAföG office does not pay any support during a semester of leave, parents of students on leave may not receive child benefit for this period and health insurance contributions may also change. As a student assistant at khb, your earnings may not exceed EUR 450 per month.

Students should obtain information from the relevant authorities in advance.

3. students are not allowed to attend classes or use the workshops during the semester of leave.

4. examinations may be taken during the semester of leave.

5. Students do not receive a Deutschlandsemesterticket during their leave of absence.

6. If you are in employment, you should consult your employer before submitting your application.



Sekretariat Studienangelegenheiten/ Immatrikulationsamt

Sekretariat Studienangelegenheiten/ Immatrikulationsamt:
Nadine Zeculis und Jamie Spalt

Raum A 1.04, Tel: 030 47705 -212

Mo 9-12 Uhr, Di und Do 13-16 Uhr

Jamie Spalt: ref-stud(at)kh-berlin.de
Nadine Zeculis: ref-stud2(at)kh-berlin.de