Study guidance / Specialist Advice / Portfolio Consultions


Thank you for your interest in studying at weißensee kunsthochschule berlin.

On this page you will find an overview of all important event dates, information and dates for the portfolio consultations (scroll further down) and our information days in June and November. All dates in Nov/Dec will be added here gradually.


Study Orientation Day 5 June on site and 4 June online

To mark Berlin Study Orientation Week, weißensee academy of art berlin is offering a guided tour of the campus on 5 June 2025 as well as advice and talks. We will meet in the foyer/main entrance at 1 pm and will answer all open questions in the garden and then walk through the workshops and the campus together. Registration will follow at the beginning of May.

The open days (26 and 27 July) are a wonderful opportunity to see the studios and the students' work!

Online Q&A session/ discussion round: 4 June 12 - 2 pm. Link will follow here on 2 June.

Rundgang - Tour // Open days // 26 - 27 July 2024 // 12:00h - 20:00h

At the end of the academic year, around 860 artists and designers from the weißensee school of art and design berlin present their study and graduation projects. Visit the studios of all departments and workshops and be inspired! Students and teachers will also be on site. Take the opportunity to find out more about applying and studying. The student advisory service will be there for you at the information table throughout the weekend.

Open Q&A session for prospective students on Tour/ Open House

Susan Lipp (student advisor at the university) invites all prospective students to an open Q&A session as part of the tour on 26 and 27 July at 2 pm. You are cordially invited to ask any questions you may have about the application process and the degree programme. You will also get a wonderful overview of the application process at the weißensee kunsthochschule.

Meeting point: Sat + Sun 2 pm in the campus garden, at the student counselling stand.

Specialist Advice/ Portfolio Consultions


Below you will find an overview of the dates for the individual departments for the start of applications in November. Further dates will be added to the overview gradually.

In addition, you will find many useful tips on the design of the digital portfolio as well as the dates of the entrance exams:

Sozialen Medien und mehr

Auf Facebook und Instagram informiert die Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit laufend über Neuigkeiten der Hochschule, wie z.Bsp. aktuelle Infotage sowie auch Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen. Zudem nutzen einzelne Fachgebiete Instagram um Studienpojekte vorzustellen. Darüber hinaus gibt es einen neuen Youtube-Kanal,  der kontinuierlich mit informativen Videos zum Studium, zu den Werkstätten und aktuellen Veranstaltungen erweitert wird.


Study programs of weißensee academy of art berlin

The design departments: Fashion Design, Product Design, Textile and Surface Design & Visual Communication offer an 8-semester Bachelor's degree (240 CP), after which you can apply for the two-year Master's degree (120 CP).

The Fine Arts programs with courses of study in: Painting, Sculpture, and Stage and Costume Design cover a standard study period of ten semesters and you graduate with a diploma (300CP).

All undergraduate degree programmes start with a one-year artistic and creative foundation course. 

The Master's degree programme in Spatial Strategies has a duration of 4 semesters and earns 120 CP. The postgraduate Master's degree programme in Art Therapy is a three-year, part-time programme that is completed with 180 credit points. 

Die Study Regulations of all departments can be found here!


Susan Lipp
General student advisory service
Room A1.03

Please send your request by e-mail 
or please contact us by phone: 030 47705 -342
(Mon -  Thu 10 -15 h, Tue until 17 h).

Personal office hours:
Tue 14 - 17 h and Thu 10 - 12 h and by appointment
For a personal appointment, please contact us in advance by telephone or in writing.

Information brochures of the study programs

All information about the entrance exam is under reserve! The format of the entrance examination as well as the portfolio submission 2024/25 can be found here in early November!