Fine Arts / Sculpture
Fine Arts / Sculpture
The diploma program in sculpture sees itself as a temporary space, offering students practical and theoretical tools for becoming artists.
In the first two semesters, students get trained in the foundations of art and design, jointly with students from all department of the school. Later on, students from various years intermingle. The focus of the program is on independent artistic practice; different activities specific to various crafts, media, and materials are integrated. In single and group tutorials, in an intensive exchange with the faculty who are themselves artists, and through various practical and theoretical projects, students are given the opportunity to develop their own modus of working.
Regular exhibitions and competitions provide an opportunity for students to show their work outside of the school, which contributes to their development. Partnerships with other schools, both in Germany and abroad, offer a broad range of opportunities for exchange.
The department of sculpture is directed by three professors, and there are also numerous adjunct faculty and visiting lecturers.
The duration of the program is ten semesters, including the period devoted to the diploma project. After successful graduation is awarded the academic title "Diplom für Freie Kunst"/"Diploma degree of Fine Arts" and though being a first degree the diploma is equivalent to a Master Degree.
After that, students may also do a two-semester post-graduate Meisterschüler program.
Room Number M 3.05
Phone 030 / 477 05 227
Email egabriel(at)
Prof. Albrecht Schäfer
Professor der Bildhauerei
Prof. Matthias Flügge
Honorarprofessor Bildhauerei
Room Number M 2.04
Phone +49 (0)30 477 05 452
Email dirk.peuker(at)
Joshua James Zielinski
Lehrbeauftragter Bronzegießerei in Johannisthal
Room Number M 3.05
Phone 030 / 477 05 227
Email egabriel(at)
Prof. Albrecht Schäfer
Professor der Bildhauerei
Prof. Matthias Flügge
Honorarprofessor Bildhauerei
Room Number M 2.04
Phone +49 (0)30 477 05 452
Email dirk.peuker(at)
Joshua James Zielinski
Lehrbeauftragter Bronzegießerei in Johannisthal
Joe Kotteck
Tutor Wilhelm Klotzek
Canberk Akçal
studentischer Mitarbeiter Albrecht Schäfer
Claudia Redka
Studentin, Studentische Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek
Manuel Tozzi
Student, Studentischer Mitarbeiter Bibliothek
Mahmoud Ismail
Student Malerei, Bildhauerei / Tutor Tonstudio
Tibor Köhne
studentischer Mitarbeiter Dirk Peuker
Tutor Videoschnittplätze