Office of Study Affairs


Summer break - absences during the lecture-free period in the Department of Student Affairs

During the lecture-free period, the department is unfortunately not staffed at all times, Please note our holiday periods:

International Office/
Head Leoni Adams: 12.8. - 6.9. 2024

Examination Office,
Graziella Sulis: 23.7. - 14.8.2024

Student Counselling,
Susan Lipp: 8 - 29 August 2024

The Enrolment Office is staffed continuously.


Office Hours

During the semester break there are irregular personal office hours. Please contact us by phone or even better by email!


Head of the Department of Study Affairs and International Office:
Leoni Adams

Phone: +49 30 47705 -232
Consultation hours: Thu 13 - 15 h and by appoinment

E-Mail: international(at)

  • International affairs (Erasmus, Incomings, Outgoings, partner universities, language certificate
     visa issues and related confirmations etc.)
  • Problems with graduation, acute difficulties with studies
  • Campusmanagementsystem


Study Administration Office / Examination Office:
Graziella Sulis

Phone: 030 47705 -312, Room A 1.04
E-Mail: pruefungsamt(at)

Office hours:
Monday: 09-13 h
Tuesday+Thursday: 13-16 h

Availability by telephone: usually also available during office hours.
Mobile work: Friday

  • examinations formalities
  • Printout study documentation/ Transcript of Records
  • Graduation procedure (registration/admission to graduation BA, MA, Diploma and Theory thesis )
  • "Meisterschüler_in"-Studies


Examination Office/ Submission of study books, module certificate:
Nhung Le Phuong, Gifty Amoateng (student assistants)

Room A1.05, Tel. 030 47705 -269
Open hours:Tue 10:30 - 13:30 h, Thu 14 - 17 h

E-Mail: pruefungsamt(at)

  • Submission of module certificates, study record book (copies)
  • printout list of grades/ study documentation/ Transcript of Records
  • all forms are available here


Student Administration Office / Admissions Office:
Nadine Zeculis und Jamie Spalt

Phone 030 47705 -212
Open hours: Mo 9 - 12 h, Tue/Thu 13 -16 h

E-Mail: ref-stud(at)

  • Re-registration (Student ID/Semesterticket etc.)
  •  Admission, matriculation, de-registration (exmatriculation)
  • Part-time study
  • Health Insurance
  • Guest auditors
  • Semester of leave


Student and applicant guidance/
Representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses
Susan Lipp

Phone: 030 47705 -342
Telephone consultation hours: Tue - Thu 10 - 15 h, Tue until 17 h
Consultation hours: Tue 14 - 17 h and Thu 10 - 12 h and by appoinment

E-Mail: studienberatung(at)

  • Application procedure, aptitude test, admission requirements
  • Study orientation and study organisation
  • general student advisory service
  • Studying with child(ren)
  • Studying with disability or chronic illness


Study reform, scholarships and alumni_ae representative:
Brigitte Dierker

Phone: 030 477 05 -246,
Telephone consultation: Tue-Thu 10:00-15:00 h

E-Mail: stud1(at)

  • Scholarships, Deutschlandstipendium
  • Outgoings (applications, nomination etc.))
  •  Internships abroad
  • Alumni_ae


*foundationClass/ Studienberatung für Menschen mit Fluchthintergrund:
Paula Mariana Godinez Garcia

Tel. 030 47705 305
Term after agreement

E-Mail: foundationclass(at)

  • Information on the one-year study programme
  •  Application and admission procedure *foundationClass
  • Support





Die Kunsthochschule unterstützt ihre Studierenden durch zahlreiche Beratungsangebote. Neben dem Referat für Studienangelegenheiten gibt es psychologische Beratungsangebote oder auch die Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte sind für Ihre Fragen da. Alle Kontaktdaten und Beratungsangebote finden Sie hier: