Part-Time Study


Part-time study

Studying at the weißensee school of art and design berlin is usually a full-time program, but sometimes there are reasons that make it very difficult to manage the full semester schedule. Part-time study makes it possible to combine study and work or study and family. Part-time study can also be an alternative to full-time study for disabled and chronically ill students. 

During part-time studies, students take fewer courses/examinations per semester and thus extend the duration of their studies.

The application for part-time study should be submitted within the re-registration period, but at the latest before the start of the semester (1 April for the summer semester/1 October for the winter semester).

What do I need to consider when deciding to study part-time?

Switching to part-time study may have a considerable impact on areas outside the university, e.g. BAföG, scholarships, orphan's or half-orphan's pension, child benefit, health insurance, tax matters, entitlement to student accommodation, residence permit, etc.
The effects of part-time study should be clarified in advance with the relevant office.

Students who have a visa for study purposes (§16 AufenthG) can only apply for part-time study in exceptional cases due to residence regulations.

Part-time students are not entitled to BaföG. However, they may be entitled to housing benefit and, in exceptional circumstances, to Bürgergeld.

The weißensee kunsthochschule berlin accepts no responsibility or liability for the effects of part-time study on areas outside the university and on services provided by non-university institutions.

Part-time study is excluded for double degree programmes and Meisterschüler_in.

The entitlement to child benefit remains unchanged until the age of 25. However, the entitlement to child benefit as such is cancelled if the part-time studies are not the first degree course and the child's working hours exceed 20 hours per week, i.e. the work outweighs the studies.



Department of Student Affairs/ Enrolment Office:
Nadine Zeculis und Jamie Spalt


Tel: 030 47705 -212

Opening hours
Mon 9-12 am, Tue and Thu 1-4 pm

Jamie Spalt: ref-stud(at)
Nadine Zeculis: ref-stud2(at)