

seekicks – agency in all creative practices

seekicks war von September 2020-März 2025 eine experimentelle Plattform für neue Qualitäten von Innovation und Unternehmer_innentum und neuen Fähigkeiten an der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin. Bei seekicks betrachten wir Kunst und Design als transformative Praktiken, die unsere Welt gestalten.

Momentane Formate sind:

→ seekicks professional (KSK, Basics für die Selbstständigkeit, etc.)

→ start-up studio

→ transformative creative practice Workshops

→ Gründungs- und Innovationsberatung
​​​​​​​ hello(at)

EXIST Business Start-up Grant

The EXIST Business Start-up Grant supports students and graduates who want to turn their business idea into a business plan with a fellowship to secure their living expenses. The start-up projects should be innovative technology or knowledge based projects with significant unique features and good commercial prospects of success. Applications from weißensee have been successful. weißensee academy of art berlin has been part of the EXIST network since 2017. Applications can be submitted at any time.



The EXIST-Women funding has been available at the weissensee school of art and design berlin since the beginning of 2024. The 3-month scholarship specifically supports future female founders .
