Easy Language
Easy Language
Here you will find information in Easy Language
about the weissensee school of art and design berlin
and about this website: kh-berlin.de/en.
The information in Easy Language has 4 parts:
1. About the school of art and design
2. Departments
3. About the website
4. Declaration on Accessibility

The text in Easy Language is from capito Graz.
X people with learning difficulties
checked if the text is easy to understand.
Notes on the name
The German name
of the weissensee school of art and design berlin is
weißensee kunsthochschule berlin
[pronounce: wizen-ze coonst-hoch-shoole berlin].
Another name for a school of art is academy.
1. About the school of art and design
General information
The weissensee school of art and design berlin
was founded in 1946.
The study program at the school looks like this:
The school offers a basic study program
for over 800 students from all over the world.
In this program you learn about many different types of art.
The basic study program lasts 1 year.
After that, students can choose
a main course of study in “Art” or “Design”.
You choose 1 department for your main course.
Each main course of study has courses about theory and history.
Manual crafts are also very important.
The study program is based
on the teachings and ideas of the Bauhaus.
The Bauhaus was a famous art school.
It was founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius.
The students and staff at the school of art and design
see themselves as an international community.
With their artistic and creative work,
they want to support the exchange of ideas in society.
This exchange is based on these 4 skills:
Creativity, collaboration,
communication and critical thinking.
The school stands for diversity, equal opportunities,
gender equality and inclusion.
It is against right-wing extremism,
discrimination and people who are against democracy.
Facilities and sites
There are 20 workshops and studios with great equipment
for artistic and creative training.
All students and teachers can work there.
The weissensee school of art and design berlin has these sites:
- Main site in Bühringstrasse (Weißensee)
- “Concordia” building in Johannes-Itten-Straße (Weißensee)
- Art hall at the Hamburger Platz (Weißensee)
- Art Therapy Berlin in Schönstraße (Weißensee)
- Bronze foundry in Köpenicker Straße (Johannisthal)
- Sauen meeting place (Rietz-Neuendorf in Brandenburg)
Special support for students
The new school buildings are barrier-free.
This means they are also accessible
for people with disabilities.
Unfortunately, in the old buildings
most of the rooms on the second floor and above
are not barrier-free.
These are protected buildings.
That is why we are not allowed to install elevators.
We offer counselling for
people with disabilities and mental or long-term illnesses
Susan Lipp is responsible for the counseling service.
She is the representative for students with disabilities
and with mental or long-term illnesses.
Counseling is confidential.
This means that the counselor
must not tell other people what you talked about.
People who are interested in studying
get information on how to apply.
And students get advice on planning their studies and exams.
They can get support
so that they are not at a disadvantage.
This is called “compensation for disadvantages”.
For example, students can get more time
to write their final theses.
If you want compensation for disadvantages,
write a short note.
You also need a medical certificate.
The certificate must explain
why you need support to study and to take exams.
This also applies to university transfer students,
visiting students, and exchange students.
These are the contact details for the counseling service:
E-mail: studienberatung(at)kh-berlin.de
Telephone: 0049 30 47 70 53 42
Office hours: Tuesday from 2 to 5 p.m.,
Thursday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Please make an appointment for personal meetings.
Some students might get help with integration,
for example interpreters for Sign Language.
You must apply for this at the Studierenden-WERK BERLIN.
You can find more information on the website of the counseling center.
2. Departments
In their main course of study,
students can specialize in 1 of these 9 departments:
- Product Design
- Textile and Surface Design
- Fashion Design
- Visual Communication
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Stage and Costume Design
- Art Therapy
- Spatial Strategies
Practical work in arts or design
is very important in all 9 departments.
The staff teach the necessary knowledge.
The school offers many support activities.
This way the students are well-prepared
to start their profession.
You can study for different degrees:
- Bachelor, BA for short
- Master, MA for short
- Diploma
It takes 2 to 5 years to finish a degree.
Each school year consists of 2 semesters.
One semester lasts 6 months
and has about 15 teaching weeks.
You can use the remaining time,
for example for internships.
If you finish your master's degree or diploma program
with the grade “very good”,
you can apply to continue your studies as a Meister-Schüler_in.
The program for Meister-Schüler_innen lasts 1 year
and is possible in all 9 departments.
Product design (BA/MA)
This is about the design of products,
for example furniture, toys, or machines.
The students look at what people need
when using a particular product.
The students then develop ideas,
build and test models
and plan the series production of the product.
Textile and surface design (BA/MA)
This is about the design of surfaces,
for example product surfaces and surfaces
in rooms or on buildings.
Students study the properties and processing
of different materials.
Fashion design (BA/MA)
The focus here is on the design of clothing,
shoes and accessories such as handbags.
Students work on their own projects.
For example, they learn how to draw designs,
make samples and present fashion.
Visual communication (BA/MA)
Visual means: you can see it with your eyes.
This is about the design and communication
of information, ideas, or stories.
Students learn the basics about
type, printing, photography, drawing,
web and spatial design.
They work with different kinds of media
such as posters, websites, and exhibitions.
Painting (Diploma)
Painting is a fine art.
Painting is about turning your own thoughts
and feelings into pictures.
The students work in workshops
to find their own artistic style.
The teachers support them
to become independent artists.
Sculpture (Diploma)
Sculpture is a fine art.
Sculpture involves making figures and shapes
from stone, wood, metal, and other materials.
The students work a lot on their own in the workshops
and try out different methods of sculpture.
In this way, they develop their own way of working.
They also regularly share ideas
with other students and with the teachers.
Stage and costume design (Diploma)
This is about the artistic design of
stages, backgrounds, and costumes,
for example in the theater or in films.
Students learn how to show their ideas
and how to realize them.
Art therapy (MA)
Art therapy combines psychotherapy
with fine arts, for example with painting.
Patients learn about art and create art themselves.
This helps them to better understand
and express their own feelings, thoughts, and experiences.
Art therapy students learn how to work
with people who have illnesses, disorders, or disabilities.
This is a part-time study program,
which means students can do it alongside a job.
Spatial strategies (MA)
A strategy is a plan to achieve a certain goal.
The word “spatial” comes from the word “space”.
Here, spatial mainly means the city.
A city consists of different spaces
such as living and shopping areas, streets, and parks.
This main course is about the connection between art and space.
The space can be a city, for example.
The students work on these questions:
How do artists and art influence the city and society?
And how do the city and society
influence artists and art?
One thing to think about is:
How can people participate and be included?
3. About the website
At the top of the website, there is a white bar.
On the left side of the bar, there is this button:

If you click on it, you will always return to the homepage.
You will then leave the sites in Easy Language.
In the center of the bar, there are these main areas:
- Academy
There you will find a lot of general information
about the weissensee school of art and design.
For example: the different sites, research projects,
news, magazines, and books. - Studies
There you will find the current list of courses,
general information on the 9 departments,
counseling services, applications, support,
and much more. - Design
There you will find details
about the departments “Product Design”,
“Fashion Design”, “Visual Communication”
and “Textile and Surface Design”. - Art
There you will find details
about the departments “Painting”,
“Sculpture”, “Stage and costume Design”,
“Art Therapy” and “Spatial Strategies”. - Projects
There you will find some of the school's projects.
The projects are sorted by semester.
You will also find the date
for the annual tour of the school. - Applications
There you will find details
on how to apply to study at the school.
You will also see if there are job offers. - Service
There you will find:
announcements from the university,
online services, for example for video conferences,
answers to frequently asked questions,
the technology lending service,
and much more.
If you click on a main area or move the mouse pointer over it,
the sub-sites appear.
Each main has several sub-sites.
And some sub-sites are divided again into more sub-sites.
On the right side of the white bar, there are these functions:
- Search
There you will find the search function of the website.
You can read more about searching below. - Calendar
There you will find the next school events.
You can read more about the calendar below. - Login
This area is for students and teachers
with a username and password. - Contact
There you will find the contact details
of the different school offices. - Accessibility
This section is about the accessibility
and usability of this website
for people with disabilities.
You can find out more about accessibility in Part 4.
You can also go to the Easy Language
and German Sign Language sections from there. - Deutsch
There you can change the website language
from English to German.
Here you can enter one or more search words.
You can also filter the search by clicking on
College, People, or Projects at the top.
Then click on the red “GO!” button.
Or press “Enter” on your keyboard.
You will then see a list of the sites
that contain the words you are looking for.
If you click on “Calendar” on the right side of the bar,
an overview of dates and events opens.
This menu also appears:

There you can filter which events you want to see.
For example, if you click on “Archive”
you only see past events from this year.
Location information
In the white bar on the left
you can see which page of the website you are on.
This can look like this, for example:

Your current location is always on the right.
To the left are the page names
that are between the homepage “weißensee”
and your current page.
On the homepage, you see many colored tiles.
Each tile is a school project.
The look of the tiles changes.
Sometimes the name appears,
and sometimes a photo of the project.
If you move the mouse pointer over a tile,
the look of the tile also changes.
If you click on a tile the project page opens
with more information and pictures of the project.
If you want to return to the homepage
click on this button at the top left:

Change page size
You can zoom in on the website.
To do this, press the keys “Ctrl” and “+”
at the same time.
If you want to make the website look smaller,
press the keys “Ctrl” and “-” at the same time.
If you want to return to the normal view,
press the keys “Ctrl” and “0” at the same time.
4. Declaration on Accessibility
This declaration applies to the website kh-berlin.de.
As many people as possible should be able to use the site.
It must be programmed and designed
according to the rules for accessibility.
These laws contain the accessibility rules:
- Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV)
- Accessible ICT Act Berlin (BIKTG Bln)
We tested the accessibility ourselves.
The result: Parts of the website are accessible.
We try to improve on accessibility.
This content is not yet accessible:
- Some images do not have a text description for blind people.
- Some documents cannot be read by blind people.
- Some videos do not have subtitles for deaf people
and no audio description for blind people. - Some link descriptions are not understandable.
Report a problem
Do you have problems using this website?
Then please report these problems to Susan Lipp.
E-mail: studienberatung(at)kh-berlin.de
Susan Lipp is the general student advisor.
She is also the representative
of students with disabilities
and with mental or long-term illnesses.
Issue a complaint
You reported your problems with the website
and are not happy with the response?
Then you can complain to
the Berlin State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility.
Some institutions in Berlin get money from the state.
The state commissioner checks:
Are their websites and mobile applications
sufficiently accessible?
For your complaint, please use
the state commissioner's contact form.
You can find more information
on the state commissioner's website
The website is only available in German.