Course Offerings

Prof. Carola Zwick

BA/MA Produkt-Design

interdisziplinäres Entwurfsprojekt

Virtual Physicality - Phyiscal Virtuality

Augmented Reality (e.g. Microsofts Hololens) and Virtual Reality (e.g. Oculus Rift or HTC Vive) offer various forms of "mixed realities". Physical objects and spaces can be enriched with layers of information, thus creating faceted and bespoke, multi-sensual experiences. The ambition in this project is to explore the specific qualities of these technologies and to create meaningful concepts for new hybrid realities and tools.

The quality of embodied interaction principles as well as the presence or absence of gravity and other tacit perception phenomena could be a starting point to design for and with these technologies.

The goal for each interdisciplinary team would be to create a functional prototype to test their concept. Unity and/ or WebVR might be tools to create those interactive experiences.

The project will be a collaboration with the Computer Science Department of FU Berlin

Supervision by
• Media artist and creative technologist Raphaël de Courville / ArtCom + NEEEU
• Prof. Dr. Claudia Müller-Birn / Informatik / FU Berlin
• Florian Berger / Informatik / FU Berlin
• Judith Glaser / Produkt + Interaction Design / Weißensee

project space:

Wintersemester 2017/2018

1. und 2. Studienabschnitt

Weekday : Mo + Mi

Location : Dachgeschoss, Seminarraum, C4.03

Number of participants : 0 (0)