Commission of Diversity/ Equal Opportunity
The Equal Opportunities Commission sees itself as an open space that offers all school members - as confirmed members or guests - the opportunity to become involved in equal opportunities and diversity in the school and society.
In this context, diversity is understood in a power-critical way, as critical diversity in order to create equal access for all, make discrimination visible and reduce exclusion mechanisms. The goal is active diversification so that the diversity of society is also reflected in the school. Critical Diversity takes into account the intertwining of different dimensions of discrimination, such as sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, abelism, etc. and represents an intersectional view.
The Commission for Equal Opportunities can be a place for the formulation of utopias as well as a place for concrete ideas, promotes open forms of action and offers interfaces to working groups and initiatives.
The Commission for Equal Opportunities is elected as an advisory body by the Academic senate (AS). It is composed of members from all status groups. A statute and rules of procedure governing the tasks and organization of the commission are currently being drafted.
The commission is part of the complaint management system.
Margarita Hoffmann
Studentin Bühnen- und Kostümbild