Study Organisation


weißensee school of art and design berlin Bühringstraße 20 13086 Berlin


Die Kunsthochschule unterstützt ihre Studierenden durch zahlreiche Beratungsangebote. Neben dem Referat für Studienangelegenheiten gibt es psychologische Beratungsangebote oder auch die Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte sind für Ihre Fragen da. Alle Kontaktdaten und Beratungsangebote finden Sie hier:



consultation hours

Office of study affairs

Matrikulation office:
Nadine Zeculis und Jamie Spalt
room A 1.04, Tel. 47705 212/312
Mo 9 - 12 h, Tue/Thu 13 -16 h

Examination Office
Graziella Sulis
Room A 1.04, Tel. 47705 312
Office hours: Mon 09-13 h, Tue/ Thu 13-16 h

and Student Assistants (grade submission)
Room A 1.05, Tel. 47705 269
Tue 10:30 - 13:30 h, Thu 14 - 17 h (please check the door for current office hours)


General Study guidance:
Susan Lipp
Room A 1.03, Tel. 47705 342
Office hours by telephone:
Tue - Thu 10 - 15 h, Tue until 17h
Consultation hours:
Tue 14 - 17 h and Thu 10 - 12 h and by appoinment

There is also the possibility of video counseling via jitsi,
for a confidential consultation, simply send an e-mail with a suggested appointment time (Tue -Thu 10-15h).

Advisory Service *foundationClass:
Requests for the time being to Susan Lipp: Room A 1.03, Tel. 47705 342.
By appointment only!


Head of Study affairs/
International office
Leoni Adams
room A1.13, Tel: 030 47705 -232
Thu 13 - 15 h and by appoinment