MA Spatial Strategies
Master of Arts
The Master of Arts-programme in “Spatial Strategies” emerged from the vision of an artistic and urban design practice that acts on city space. It tackles the necessity to reconsider the concepts “space” and “publicness” (Öffentlichkeit) in a world that is drastically transforming under the effects of globalisation, and to expand the scope of artistic practices in the social context.
This two-year tuition-based programme welcomes applicants from all areas of the Fine Arts, Sciences of Art and Design, architects and urban researchers, as well as graduates and professionals in the Humanities, Cultural and Social Sciences, who wish to upgrade their qualifications with a “Master of Arts” degree. It offers further qualification at the interface between artistic practice and discourses in the realms of art theory and art criticism, critical urban research and urban development, political theory, migration studies, automata theory and digital forensics.
Above all, “Spatial Strategies” aims to boost the reflection and development of an independent artistic or art-related practice that approaches debates around city, participation, artistic intervention, architecture, urban design, performativity, critique or creativity, as well as around political, economic and media questions, with a sense of autonomy and political sensibility.
Lehrveranstaltungen | Lectures
Paz Guevara
Manuela García Aldana
Lehrbeauftragte Raumstrategien
Studentische Hilfskräfte/Tutor*innen
Mariana García Mejía
Studentische Hilfskraft Raumstrategien