
  • Aula, D1.02
    D1.02, 4
    Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
    Bühringstraße 20
    13086 Berlin
    2024-04-19 11:00:00

    „Erbe sichern, um Zukunft zu gestalten“

    Symposium der Arbeitsgruppe 89+ Fotoperspektive Ost

    Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh) und die weißensee kunsthochschule berlin (KHB) laden zum 2. Symposium der DGPh-Arbeitsgruppe ‘89+ Fotoperspektive Ost am 20. April 2024 ein.
    Nachdem das erste Symposium im Dezember 2022 die Bedeutung der Fotografie in der DDR und im (Ost-)Deutschland der Nachwendezeit reflektiert und damit einige Bewegung in kunstwissenschaftliche Diskurse gebracht hat, beleuchtet das diesjährige Symposium einzelne Facetten der DDR-Fotogeschichte – zudem mit einem Blick ins benachbarte Ausland. Unter der Überschrift „Erbe sichern um Zukunft zu gestalten“ werden vier Themenkomplexe im Fokus stehen:
    „Der Übergang. Die Wege der Bilder vom Osten in den Westen und umgekehrt“; „Die alternative Kunstszene. Gab es in der DDR eine künstlerische Subkultur?“; „Schätze aus dem Archiv „Dancing in Connewitz – Transformation und Transfer in der Lehre ostdeutscher Fotografie“. In einer Abschlussdiskussion wird die Machbarkeitsstudie „DGPh-Netzwerk DDR-Foto“ vorgestellt sowie ein Ausblick auf kommende Pläne, Themen und Projekte gegeben.
    Die Veranstaltung beginnt am Vorabend, dem 19. April, 17 Uhr, mit der Eröffnung einer Ausstellung mit Arbeiten von Studierenden der HGB Leipzig (Prof. Tina Bara) und der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin in der KUNSTHALLE am Hamburger Platz.

    Programm und Anmeldung:


  • Aula, D1.02
    D1.02, 4
    Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
    Bühringstraße 20
    13086 Berlin
    2024-04-17 00:00:00

    METABOLISM, Symposium of the greenlab

    greenlab is an interdisciplinary research platform that supports and drives sustainable design strategies at the weissensee school of art and design berlin. On 18 April, greenlab is extending an open invitation to a symposium entitled METABOLISM, in which artists, designers, researchers, town planners, ecologists and activists are going to deal with the interplay between nature and culture: with urban green spaces and the networked resources in our cities and their hinterlands. At a time in which cities are confronted with unprecedented challenges in connection with climate change, the loss of bio-diversity and the management of resources, urban green spaces are becoming more and more important. They are not just aesthetically appealing additions to our cityscape; they are, above all, a significant constituent part of resilient, sustainable and liveable cities. In the course of this symposium, participants will be able to enter into interdisciplinary dialogue, to exchange innovative ideas and to develop new collaborations that aim to create a more sustainable and integrated future for the city and the countryside. Registration is required.

    Registration and programme:


  • Foyer, B0.01
    B0.01, 1
    Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
    Bühringstraße 20
    13086 Berlin
    2024-04-14 09:00:00

    "Signs of the time: fashion drawings from archive to design"

    The exhibition shows the results of the project, “Fashion signs and drawings: The education and training for fashion designers at the weissensee school of art and design berlin and their influence on the style of the GDR Institute of Fashion of the late 1970s and the 1980s.” In the summer semester of 2023, students at the Department of Fashion Design explored fashion drawings which were created at the university in the 1980s and of which some have now been digitised and made accessible by the Stadtmuseum Berlin. These drawings then formed the starting point and inspiration for current designs, collages and new drawings as well as for theoretical reflections on the impact of analogue and digital archives on creativity in fashion. The exhibition shows both fashion drawings from the archive and the designs that have been created out of them.

    The project was funded by digiS, the Berlin Centre for Research and Competence in Digitisation, and conducted in cooperation with the Stadtmuseum Berlin. The aim of the funding programme is to create lasting access to the digitised, cultural memory of Berlin, to make the digitised data available as far as possible and to ensure the long-term usability of the data and the digitised products.

  • Hörsaal, C1.05
    C1.05, 6
    Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
    Bühringstraße 20
    13086 Berlin
    2024-04-14 17:30:00

    Lecture series: IM FOKUS

    13.06.24 Director and stage designer Ulrich Rasche
    20.06.24 Stage designer Annette Kurz

    For the second semester in a row, the Department of Stage and Costume Design invites you to the lecture series ‘IM FOKUS’. Outstanding stage and costume designers from the fields of film and theatre present their work and working methods and engage in discussion with students and interested parties from all departments. Excerpts and examples from their productions and project-specific research approaches and processes provide unique insights into the working and thinking approaches of sought-after artists behind the stage and/or camera.

    After an inspiring start to the summer semester with stage and costume designer Christian Schmidt, we are delighted to announce two further lectures in June. On 13 June, renowned director and stage designer Ulrich Rasche will be our guest, followed by multi-award-winning stage designer Annette Kurz on 20 June.

    Ulrich Rasche, born in Bochum in 1969, studied art history and comparative literature. His choral project 'Singing! Immateriell arbeiten', which premiered at the Palast der Republik in Berlin in 2004, he achieved national fame as a director. This was followed by productions at the Staatstheater Stuttgart, the Wiener Festwochen, the Volksbühne Berlin, the Schauspiel Frankfurt and the Sophiensæle Berlin. In 2011, he dramatised and directed Heinrich von Kleist's Michael Kohlhaas at Theater Bonn. In 2013, Ulrich Rasche was honoured with the Art Prize of the Akademie der Künste Berlin. In 2014, he co-produced 'The Cosmic Octave' by Nis-Momme Stockmann (Sophiensæle Berlin). Further works followed, including 'Danton's Death' by Georg Büchner (2015, Schauspiel Frankfurt), 'The Robbers' by Friedrich Schiller (2016, Residenztheater Munich, invitation to the 2017 Berlin Theatertreffen), 'Woyzeck' by Georg Büchner (2017, Theater Basel, invitation to the 2018 Berlin Theatertreffen), 'Das große Heft' (2018, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, invitation to the 2019 Berlin Theatre Meeting), The Persians by Aeschylus (2018, Salzburg Festival), 'Elektra' by Hugo von Hofmannsthal (2019, Residenztheater Munich), 'The Bacchae' by Euripides (2019, Burgtheater Vienna), '4. 48 Psychosis' by Sarah Kane (2020, Deutsches Theater Berlin) and 'Leonce and Lena' by Georg Büchner (2023, Deutsches Theater Berlin). At the Residenztheater, he also staged 'The Earthquake in Chili' (2020) by Heinrich von Kleist and 'Woyzeck' (2020) by Georg Büchner. In 2022, he directed 'Agamemnon' by Aeschylus, a co-production of the Residenztheater and the Athens Epidaurus Festival, which premiered in the ancient theatre in Epidaurus. With his production of Nathan the Wise (2023, Salzburg Festival), Ulrich Rasche was invited to the Berlin Theatertreffen 2024.

    Annette Kurz studied Fine Arts and Art History in Paris (Ecole du Louvre). After graduating in Fine Arts (Université Paris VIII), she attended the École Supérieure d'Art Dramatique du Théâtre National de Strasbourg (TNS) and graduated with the Diplôme de Scénographie. After France, Hamburg was the starting point for her international career: she worked there as an assistant set designer for Anna Viebrock at the Hamburg Schauspielhaus and later spent ten years (2009 - 2019) as head of set design at the Thalia Theatre in Hamburg. Since 2022, she has been the first ever visual artist to be artist in residence at Ensemble Resonanz in Hamburg's Elbphilharmonie, working with sculpture, painting, performance and staging in collaboration with the orchestra. She is in demand internationally as a freelance stage designer and scenographer. Her work is decisively characterised by her intensive and long-standing collaboration with the director Luk Perceval, for whose theatre and opera productions Kurz has been designing highly complex, open symbolic spaces since 2001, which mostly emerge from the elementary basic space and the cultural and visual history of her sculptural stage elements (‘scenic objects’). Her theatre and opera works with Luk Perceval and others have been presented at the Thalia Theater Hamburg, the Berliner Ensemble, the Schaubühne Berlin, the Münchner Kammerspiele, the Salzburg Festival, the Zurich Opera, the Basel Opera and the Deutsche Oper Berlin as well as at festivals in Edinburgh, Avignon, Paris, Prague and Vienna. They have been awarded the German theatre prize DER FAUST-best stage design, stage design of the year in the TheaterderZeit critics' survey, the Hamburg theatre prize ROLF MARES-best stage design, the Norwegian theatre prize HEDDA nomination for best stage design and many more.
    The Akademie der Künste Berlin will set up an Annette Kurz archive of her work in the Archive for the Performing Arts. Annette Kurz has taught scenography at various universities in Germany and abroad.
    Currently on show in Berlin : ‘ Exil’ , directed by Luk Perceval , Berliner Ensemble
    Currently to be seen in Hamburg : ‘Wolf unter Wölfen’ directed by Luk Perceval, Thalia Theatre

    Further lectures this semester:
    04.07. Wolfgang Menardi

  • 2024-04-09 10:00:00
    [College Events]

    Info days / Tour / Portfolio consultations

    Study orientation week in Berlin: 10-14 June 2024

    The weißensee academy of art would also like to give interested parties an insight into everyday life as a student, present our range of degree programmes and give them a taste of the subject areas and workshops.
    Everyone is welcome to simply drop by without registering!

    OUR PROGRAMME (will be expanded and updated here daily):

    June 10, MONDAY 14:00hrs
    Meeting point: main entrance

    Guided tour of the department by students 
    Tuesday: 11 June at 10 a.m.
    Meeting point: main entrance

    Guided tour of the department by students
    followed by a lecture by Ulrich Rasche from the ‘In Focus’ series with outstanding stage and costume designers
    Thursday: 13 June at 4 pm
    Meeting point: main entrance

    Offering a short guided tour of the department
    Meeting point: main entrance/
    Monday 10 June at 10:30 a.m.

    Avant-garde(s) - Art in the 20th century
    Tuesday, 11 June 14-16 in lecture theatre C1.05, Prof. Jörg Petruschat

    Ad)dressing Memories. Clothing and/or cultural memory - fashion theory/fashion sociology 
    Thursday 13.6. 10:00 -11:30 in lecture theatre C 1.05, Antonella Giannone

    Art Nouveau / Costume Studies
    Tuesday 11.6. 11:45 in lecture theatre C 1.05, Prof. Beatrice Szameitat

    Susan Lipp
    Individual counselling on
    Tuesday 2 - 5 pm and on Thursday 10 am - 12 pm 
    Location: Room A 1.03

    followed by a guided tour with Susan
    Painting, Sculpture, Vis. Communication
    Thursday: 13 June from 12 noon
    Location: Aula

    Information on the other departments will follow soon.


  • 2024-04-07 10:00:00

    Sommer 24 Vollversammlungen der Fachgebiete/ Plenary Meeting of the departments

    English follows German

    Hier finden Sie alle Termine zu den Vollversammlungen aller Fachgebiete zum Start Sommersemester 2024:

    Mode-Design: Mo, 15. April um 10 Uhr, C 204, C-Gebäude, 2. Etage
    Produkt-Design: Mo, 15. April um 12-14 Uhr, Flughalle, C-Gebäude, Dachgeschoss
    Textil- und Flächen-Design: Mo, 15. April von 10-11 Uhr, Raum A 2.03, Altbau
    Visuelle Kommunikation: Mon, 15. April um 10 Uhr, Raum C 103. C-Gebäude, 1. Etage
    Malerei: Mi, 17. April um 11 Uhr, Foyer Malerei
    Bildhauerei: Mi, 17. April um 14 Uhr, Bildhauereihalle
    Bühnen- und Kostümbild: Di, 16. April um 11 Uhr, im „Weißen Raum“, Concordia, 2. Etage
    Raumstrategien: Mo, 15. April von 11-13 Uhr, im Seminarraum, T3.05, Concordia, 3. Etage

    Bei Fragen meldet euch gerne unter:


    Here you will find all the dates for the plenary meetings of all departments at the start of the 2024 summer semester:

    Fashion Design: Mon, 15 April at 10 a.m., C 204, C Building, 2nd floor
    Product Design: Mon, 15 April from 12-14h, "Flughalle", C-Building, attic floor
    Textile & Matrial Design: Mon, 15 April from 10-11h, room A 2.03, old building
    Visual Communication: Mon, 15 April at 10 a.m. in room C 103 C-Building, 1st floor
    Painting: Wed, 17 April at 11 a.m., Foyer Painting
    Sculpture: Wed, April 17 at 2 p.m., Sculpture Hall
    Stage and Costume Design: Tue, 16 April at 11 a.m., in the “White Room,” Concordia, 2nd floor
    Spatial strategies: Mon, 15 April from 11-13 h, in Seminar-room, T3.05, Concordia, 3rd floor

    If you have any questions, please contact us at:

  • Backhaus Projects
    Weserstr. 168
    12045 Berlin
    2024-03-18 00:00:00
    BA/MA Fashion Design [Exhibitions]

    Tactile conditions

    19. - 20. März 2024

    Clothing brings our inner state to the outside world and puts us in a wide variety of states. In this interactive exhibition, five students from the Fashion Design department want to explore this relationship between people and clothing. Unlike most art and fashion exhibitions, the experience of the artwork is created through the interaction of visitors with the work, in that the clothing can be touched and put on. The garments deal with different emotional states that can unfold in interaction with the visitors.

    Vernissage: Tuesday, 19.03.24, 17:00-22:00,
    19:30 Performance Ayuko Kiyota, Mona Masuyama

    20.03.24, 11:00-20:00

    Eva Dobler
    Anna Honegger
    Jule Kautt
    Mona Masuyama
    Alexis Thelen
    Phila Weber

  • 2024-02-29 00:00:00
    [College Events]

    Application ERASMUS - Incoming Exchange Students - 2024

    Dear Prospective Students,
    To apply for a guest study at weißensee kunsthochschule berlinn, please use the online application portal (Campuscore) only. The application period for the upcoming winter semester 2024/25 is open from March 1 - April 15.

    We look forward to receiving your application.

    Please find out more about applying via the link below:


  • 2024-02-29 00:00:00
    [College Events]

    Application MA-Spatial Strategies/ Bewerbung zum MA-Raumstrategien/

    We look forward to receiving your application.
    You still have the opportunity to apply until MONDAY, JUNE 3 >>10 a.m. (CET) (new deadline)
    for our Master's degree programm Spatial Strategies

    Start of studies: winter semester 24/25.

    If you have any questions, please contact Susan Lipp:
    Tel 030 47705342

    Info about the program:
    The two-year fee-based program is intended for graduates of universities and academies, artists, architects, culture and media scholars, designers, sociologists, scientists etc. who wish to acquire - after a one year professional experience - an additional artistic qualification and Master of Arts.

    Information on the complete application process can be found at


  • 2024-02-29 00:00:00
    [College Events]

    Application Master Design

    Dear Prospective Students,
    You can still apply for the Master's degree courses in Fashion Design, Product Design, Textile and Material Design and Visual Communication until 15 May (with extension.

    Start of studies: winter semester 24/25.

    If you have any questions, please contact Susan Lipp:
    Tel 030 47705342
    We look forward to receiving your application.

    Information on the complete online-application-process for can be found at:


  • Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz
    , 0
    Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
    Bühringstraße 20
    13086 Berlin
    2024-02-21 00:00:00

    Radiant Opacity

    As part of the master’s course “Spatial Strategies”, 22 students, under the direction of Lerato Shadi, will be presenting their work in the Kunsthalle at Hamburger Platz. The exhibition explores the boundaries of the visible in our present world. A lack of transparency fires the imagination and opens up conceptual spaces – even beyond the actual physical world. To this extent, imagination can be deployed as a political and personal means of transcending the self and of making what is authentic visible. The exhibition opens on 22 February (6 pm to 10 pm) and can be visited between 2 pm and 7 pm on 23 and 24 February.

  • 2024-02-17 00:00:00
    [College Events]

    Design competition Open Days Tour 2024 Ideas for a visual concept

    To the students in all departments: The weissensee school of art and design berlin invites you to take part in a design competition to create a visual concept for its “Open Days Tour 2024”.

    To create a visual concept for the “Open Days Tour 2024” that can be applied to a wide range of communication media. The design should represent the university and entice visitors to seek out the exhibitions by the various departments.

    The submission should consist of:

    A creative idea that, with the support of tutors, can be applied to the following communication media:
    social media (a campaign)
    — poster
    — flyer
    — fixed image or trailer for the U-Bahn advertising medium Berliner Fenster and for culture screens in cultural facilities
    — invitation cards and mailings

    This advertising is directed at a broad target group, including people who are not familiar with the purpose and activities of the weissensee school of art and design berlin and who have never heard of its Open Days Tour.

    Please submit a PDF with sketches outlining your visual concept for the various communication media, with a poster design and a short text describing the intention behind your concept.

    The poster should contain the following information:

    Open Days Tour
    20 and 21 July 2024
    weissensee school of art and design berlin
    Bühringstraße 20
    13086 Berlin
    the logo of the school of art and design
    (You are also welcome to work with a slogan)

    Please limit the PDF to no more than four pages.
    Please include the following information at the top of the PDF: date, name, department, no. of semesters, email address and telephone number.

    Please submit your entry via the following link and use the precise file name format: surname_first name_application.pdf

    18 February 2024

    The competition winner will be announced at the end of February. The decision on the award will be taken by a jury consisting of representatives from the Department of Visual Communication, the executive board of the university and the public relations office.

    The detailed work on the design has to be completed by 17 April 2024. Then the design will be transferred into the required formats.


    Prize money: The winner shall be deemed to have been remunerated for the design for all the required media, the supervision of production work and the rights of exploitation. The winner will receive support from tutors in transferring the design concept to all digital media.

    Participation in the competition requires that you are registered at the weissensee school of art and design berlin up to and including the summer semester 2024.

    For enquiries, please contact: Veronika Breuning, Public Relations Officer, tel. 030 47705 222,

  • 2024-02-13 00:00:00

    Coding IxD/Expanding:THE BODY

    Weizenbaum Institute (Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin)

    14.02.2024, 18:00

    Exhibition period:
    15.02. to 20.02.2024, 14:00 to 18:00 (closed on weekends)

    Digital technologies such as apps and wearables that continuously record our body data permeate our daily lives - but usually forget the uniqueness and diversity of the human body. In the semester project "Expanding:THE BODY", students of computer science (Freie Universität Berlin) and product design at weißensee kunsthochschule berlin are exploring innovative solutions for different groups and individuals. They are exploring the question of what data and information the body provides and how the handling of one's own body data can be materialised in objects and interactions. The results can be seen at the Weizenbaum Institute from 14 February 2024. Coding IxD is being organised in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence "Matters of Activity. Image Material Space".

    Weizenbaum Institute:


  • Galiläa Kirche, Rigaer Str. 8, 10245 Berlin
    2024-02-08 00:00:00

    Pigeon in the Organ

    Galiläa Kirche, Rigaer Str. 8, 10245 Berlin
    8. Feb – 11. Feb 2024, täglich 12-18Uhr
    *Vernissage Mittwoch 7. Feb 19-22 Uhr
    *Finissage Samstag 10. Feb 19-22Uhr
    *7.2 & *10.2 „Activation Ceremony“, Performance um 20 Uhr

    Studierende der Bildhauerei aus dem Seminar der Gastprofessor_innen Mariechen Danz und Andrea Huyoff laden ein zu "Pigeon in the Organ", einer Ausstellung in der Galiläa Kirche Friedrichshain. Die Ausstellung präsentiert bestehende als auch neue ortsspezifische Werke sowie eine Reihe an Performances, die mit Interventionen, Stimme und Gesten die Werke "aktivierten“. Für die denkmalgeschützte evangelische Kirche beginnt unter der Leitung von Marc Weiser ein neuer Abschnitt als kultureller Ort. Eröffnet wird das Programm in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Wilhelm Klotzek, der seit 2023 an der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin als Professor in der Bildhauerei lehrt.

  • Aula, D1.02
    D1.02, 4
    Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
    Bühringstraße 20
    13086 Berlin
    2024-01-30 17:00:00

    Vortrag: Congossa as Methodology

    Pedagogy in an Age of Disenfranchisement.

    Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung

    Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung „see – ander(e)s sehen“ geben Professor_innen Einblicke in ihre Forschung und künstlerische Arbeit. Prof. Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung lehrt an der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin im Masterstudiengang Raumstrategien. Er ist Kurator, Autor, Biotechnologe und seit 2023 Intendant und Chefkurator des Hauses der Kulturen der Welt Berlin (HKW).

    Er ist Gründer und war Künstlerischer Leiter von SAVVY Contemporary Berlin, 2009–22; Künstlerischer Leiter von sonsbeek 20->24, Arnhem, 2020–22; Künstlerischer Leiter der 14. Rencontres de Bamako, Mali, 2022; Kurator des finnischen Pavillons auf der 58. Biennale von Venedig, 2019; Gastkurator der Dakar Biennale of Contemporary African Art, 2018; und Curator at Large der documenta 14 in Athen und Kassel, 2017.

    In seinem Vortrag spricht er über das Congossa, einen hierarchiefreien Lernraum, der den Austausch von Wissen in den Mittelpunkt stellt und der sich in einem gemeinschaftlich gestalteten Prozess des Geschichtenerzählens entwickelt. Der Vortrag findet am 31.01.24 um 17 Uhr in der Aula der weißensee kunsthochschule berlin statt.
