Visions4people is a pilot project of the weißensee academy of art berlin (khb) and the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Charité Campus Mitte (ccm) funded by the Senate Administration for Education, Youth and Science. The special needs and wishes of the users of the psychiatry clinic are the starting point of the project. These are explored in a field research carried out by our transdisciplinary team in a trialogical manner, equally considering the perspectives of patients, relatives and employees. The knowledge resulting from the fieldwork establishes the basis for artistic and creative transformations. The interventions create a milieu therapeutically valuable environment for the patients, relatives and employees and extend the range of possible healing processes. The spacial potential of the building complex is used constructively.
As an integrative process visions4people is example setting for comparable user-centered architectures.
Starting winter semester 2016/17: Fieldwork to determine the needs of the mentioned groups of people and the specifics of the place (building complex plus gardens).
Summer semester 2017 and winter semester 2017/18: Project courses for khb-students from all disciplines (sculpture, stage and costume design, art therapy, painting, fashion design, product design, spatial strategies, textile and surface design and visual communication) coursing higher semesters. Their artistic and creative ideas will be made concrete as design drafts, models, prototypes or plans.
Summer semester 2018: Presentation of the results and selection by an equally represented jury of a project for its implementation. Publication of the research project and implementation of the selected proposition.
Project rooms for visions4people:
3. Hinterhof
Senatskanzlei für Kulturelle Angelegenheiten
Brunnenstr. 188
10119 Berlin
For further information please contact: visions(at)
Prof. Tyyne Claudia Pollmann
Konzeption und Projektleitung visions4people, Anatomie & Morphologie
→ Course Offerings →Room Number F 1.10/H
Phone 030 / 47705 335
Mobile Phone Number 0176 666 28252
Email pollmann(at)