Gema Gubianas, Leonie Behrens, Joshua Gottmanns, Mathis Eckelmann, André Loebinger (Leiter)
Kontakt: tel.: 030 47705-225/ -268 ; email:
Everybody interested in the library’s collections can use all of them inside the reading room. KHB students & staff and members of the Mart-Stam-Gesellschaft are also entitled to borrow media.
The library staff welcome your inquiries; they will also inform you which items are actually available.
The loan period is 4 weeks for books and 2 weeks for periodicals. Renewals can be made by phone or e-mail.
charges & fines
Using the library and borrowing media items is free of charge. But there will be a fine on overdue items.
The library holds approximately 40.000 media; 25.000 of which available for digital research.
our web opac
contains media records of both HFS- and KHB libraries
internal link: Web-OPAC
external via KOBV-Portal: quicksearch only
Montag, Dienstag, Donnerstag 10.00 - 17.00 Uhr
Freitag 10.00 - 15.00 Uhr
Mittwochs geschlossen
Mitarbeit im Bibliotheksteam
Bei Interesse an einer Mitarbeit im Team der Bibliothek werden Initiativbewerbungen von der Bibliotheksleitung gerne entgegengenommen. (Bewerbungsanschreiben + Lebenslauf mit Bild).