Wintersemester 2022/2023, BA/MA Produkt-Design
Emotional openness is an increasingly important topic in today’s work culture.
Employees want to be able to be open and authentic with their emotions and thoughts. To create a mutually respectful way of dealing with emotions, it is important that we have a space where we reflect well and share our inner life in a safe framework.
Sphere creates such a safe framework and routines. Through regular reflection questions we learn to reflect ourselves and our thoughts and emotions better. For some, this comes naturally; for others, it’s a helpful exercise. Team members answer three questions once a week directly on the Sphere website. The physical representation of the collected and analyzed answers the object Sphere subsequently makes the overall emotional impression tangible and palpable to the team. The team members thus gets a good impression of how the team is currently feeling and are encouraged to get in exchange about it. Sphere focuses on the following three areas to make this possible: How is the mood of your team? How satisfied is your team with the team dynamics? What is your team’s stress level? Sphere offers the possibility to gently integrate the topic of emotional well-being at work into your daily work routine.
Hanne Wegener (M.A. Design)
Maya Giri (B.Sc. Informatik)
Philip Stricker (B.Sc. Informatik)
ProjektkategorieSemesterprojekt Projekt-Fächer BA/MA Produkt-Design
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Keine Lizenz Hanne Wegener

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Keine Lizenz Hanne Wegener
Keine Lizenz Hanne Wegener

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Keine Lizenz Hanne Wegener