Sommersemester 2009,
Räume von A nach B (Dia slide show, 80 dia po
-Spaces conduct different existences. As soon as they leave their direct traditional descriptiveness they obtain a new existence in media and adopt a new reality. This project concentrates on representing places through the medium of photography, moreover the chosen medium is an expired dia positive film. As a motive are taken details, respectively ornaments, of two buildings in Berlin, namely the Anatomical Theatre in the hospital Charite and the Brandenburg Gate, built from the same architect in the same architectural style. Both buildings are protected as monuments of the city Berlin, nevertheless, one is well preserved and the other is been renovated at the moment. The dia positives are presented in a dia slide show, where the slide is repeatedly changing from one building to another.
The expired dia positive films give the effect of time erasing, in other words, the photographs become timeless and one can not say when exactly they are taken and which photography belongs to which building. In this manner they give another existence to the real place, another appearance in time. The transport 'from A to B' refers to transferring space in time.

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