Sommersemester 2019, BA/MA Visuelle Kommunikation VK_2019
✎ En l’ An 2100 – Fact follows Fiction, 2019
En l’an 2000 (In the Year 2000, also loosely translated as France in the 21st Century) is a French image series depicting scientific advances imagined as achieved by the year 2000. At least 87 were produced, by artists including Jean-Marc Côté. They were printed in 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1910, first on paper as cigar box inserts, and later as picture postcards, but never distributed. (Wikipedia)
Es hatte schon immer einen besonderen Reiz sich die Zukunft vorzustellen, denn „The future is unwritten“. Aber wie sieht sie aus, wenn unsere Gegenwart geprägt ist von Begriffen wie Anthropozän und Klimawandel? In die Zukunft legen wir unsere Träume, unsere Hoffnungen, aber auch unsere Ängste und Befürchtungen – im Nachdenken über die Zukunft realisiert sich unser Menschsein.

What if we could go into a dream of a stranger and listen? If we could even influence it?
2100 memo techniques – techniques that record our memories, activities – have developed to a new level. Techniques are omnipresent that make memories and dreams recordable and thus experienceable for others. What is new, however, is the prototype presented here of the ‘Dream Influencer’, which enables active manipulation. The research was initiated by the military and could also be used in trauma management.
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