Wintersemester 2014/2015, BA/MA Textil- und Material-Design
Messebeteiligung Heimtextil
Die Präsentation von zwei Abschlussarbeiten
(Bachelor: C. Smirnow/ Master: A. Cabrera) auf der
messe frankfurt germany
14.-17. Jan 2015
im Rahmen von einer Einladung zur Teilnahme der Messeveranstalter an das Fachgebiet Textil- und Flächendesign.
Academy meets industry
Textile Academy Network
15 Academies from Europe & guestcountries
Sponsored by Messe Frankfurt in support of young designers and designertraining
Hall 4, Stand number H 4.2 G85
Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
Christian Smirnow
A THIRSTY CLOTH is a re-interpreted everyday product - the dish towel. Driven by the idea of functional design, water-reactive shrinking linen yarns and the most recent weaving technology were implemented to create strongly textured surfaces. Various textures woven in one fabric, give the design its purpose, function and aesthetics. Every individual texture was developed on a hand-loom, coping with the three basic functions of a dish towel: water absorption, heat insulation and polishing.
Voluminous bindings with long floats have a special thirst for water. Dense and grainy surfaces are perfect to remove water stains from glasses. Double-layered areas with insulating air-enclosures protect the hands from hot dishes.
A THIRSTY CLOTH is a contemporary design product that reflects today‘s need for sustainable and long-lasting functionality. It is the special something to give to dear friends and family as a present, adding design detail to a sophisticated kitchen interior.
Adriana Cabrera
Textiles, in their various expressions, are carriers of subtly coded information that communicate our identity through patterns, colours and materials. With our preferences we express our individuality, and textiles are an essential field to make it perceivable and distinguishable.
UNDERCODING is an experimental study that explores ways of embodying new types of codes with textiles. The notion of code here is taken literally - as a two-dimensional code, combining the inherent code of the fabric‘s construction with a second layer of a visualised digital code, which conveys multimedia information in a standardised format unreadable for human eyes. The integration of two different codes is constituted because both are in some ways algorithms. Whether screen-printed or embroidered, the digital code turns into a graphic pattern, emitting an ambiguous aesthetic message about the status of one‘s contemporary identity.
UNDERCODING creates a bridge between of the virtual and the real, bringing together the traditional expressions of textiles and the interaction with digital media content. It is a collection of multimedia scenarios quoting different “worlds” and intertwining fantasy and reality. The principle of this continuous contrast, used in the creation of the textile collection “Magic World”, can also be found in literature known as magic realism.
ProjektkategorieInformation Projekt-Fächer BA/MA Textil- und Material-Design
Alle Rechte vorbehalten Christian Smirnow

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Christian Smirnow

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Christian Smirnow

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Christian Smirnow

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Christian Smirnow

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Christian Smirnow

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Christian Smirnow

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Adriana Cabrera

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Adriana Cabrera

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Adriana Cabrera