Sommersemester 2024, Raumstrategien_Startseite , Veranstaltungen


Friction was a one-day exhibition with activations of installation works through durational, interactive, and ephemeral performances in the framework of the seminar (PARA)SITES by Prof. Pauline Doutreluingne.


How can we learn from other forms of existence and cohabitation and explore parasitic ways of creation? We usually understand parasitic relationships as a binary distinction between two separate entities: host and parasite. How can we expand our notions and create artworks inspired by broader, beyond binary, ecological and communal contexts in which host-parasite relationships survive and thrive?


Our interest in parasites is in how they negotiate their surroundings and how their presence provokes responses - how certain implicated bases can become productive for change; how certain infiltrations by those routinely excluded can disrupt the status quo. Parasitism allows us also to talk about hosting and hospitality, about symbiosis and mutualism, about queer entanglements and adaptivity, about collective perspectives and envisioning spatial strategies through the eyes of others.


The students explored the concept of parasitism and hosting through various learning sessions and the creation of spatial and ephemeral artistic interventions on the site of the Floating University during the summer semester of 2024, working site-specifically and in dialogue with the existing programme.


Participating artists: Alexey Kokhanov, Amanda Bobadilla, Asuman Kırlangıç, Bianca Lee, Carlos Ricoy, Emma Lang, Farokh Falsafi, Jeremy Knowles, Kathleen Bomani, Laura Bleck, Maria Fallada, Mariana García Mejía, Merel Maan Galama, Nathalia Favaro, Nina Cavalcanti, Nischal Khadka, Philipp Khan, Ramos Yupanqui, Sepehr Talebi, Xiao Zhang, xindi

Project categorySemester Project
Prof. Pauline Doutreluingne and Farokh Falsafi
Prof. Pauline Doutreluingne and Farokh Falsafi

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