Sommersemester 2023, MA Raumstrategien Buchdruck / Hochdruck , Raumstrategien_Startseite
Outline - Mapping Mutual Spaces
This reader resulted from the seminar by Tonderai Koschke: "DIASPORIC REPRESENTATIONS: BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND BEYOND", which is part of the master's program Raumstrategien at Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee. Students departed from the notion that architecture functions as a representation of people, power, and politics. Together, we examined the machinery that produces our built environment, looking closely at what goes into it (ideas, material, labour, etc) and what comes out of it. We paid attention in particular to how racialised and other associated hierarchies endemic to the global capitalist systems that hegemonize our societies manifest in products of the built environment, and how these products, in turn, reproduce such hierarchies. At the same time, resistance measures which have always countered these systems in the built environment and beyond, were included in the scope of the seminar. This allowed us to conclude the semester by considering alternative notions of representation, both practical and experimental, which we have compiled in this reader.
Excerpt from the foreword:
Look around. Where are you reading this text? Try to imagine the layers of history in the soil, the stones, metal, glass, and paint that surround you.
What do you see?
Although these histories may seem fixed - maps have been drawn, buildings raised, and terrains established - our existing environment still functions as a representation of people’s stories. How these stories are told, and by whom, strongly informs our reading of the places we occupy.
These responses give an insight into how our environment is not static at all but in fact a space of dialogue and exchange nuanced by multiple, intersecting lines and shapes.
These are the stories we want to tell.
Participating students:
Maharu Maeno, Sepehr Talebi, Asuman Kirlangiç, Ksenia Lapina, Lunda De Rosa, Carlos Ricoy, Alexey Kokhanov, Jeremy Knowles, Sayaka Shinkai, Michalina Jasinka, Merel Maan Galama
Project categorySemester Project Project subjects MA Raumstrategien
Alle Rechte vorbehalten Jeremy Knowles

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Jeremy Knowles