Sommersemester 2022, BA/MA Textil- und Material-Design Weben
I hate my 흠(Heum)* - Part 2: Digital to Analog
흠 keeps me away from becoming a perfect human being. A perfect human being may exist only in theory. How can I achieve perfection as a person who have so many 흠. The past I want to change, the relationship I want to avoid, my laziness I cannot overcome, my looks, voice, gestures… - all these 흠 bother me.
And if there is 흠 in one range, I feel disappointment and anger in myself and run away to the another range. But when I look back from the new place where I arrived, I will be willing to accept 흠 in the place where I was before and return. And so on, I circulate with escape and return, changing places, occupations, goals, relationships.
But sometimes I think it looks fine if I take my 흠 with me from one place to another. It might look rather good. This work “흠” began with a process of recognizing and accepting imperfection, having 흠 and circulating it from one place to another and from one medium to another, switching between analog and digital, design and technic, order and disorder, ideal and real.
* 흠 / spoken “Heum” = imperfection or flaw. It can be found in every field like appearance, function, personality, history... The term 흠 however not only denotes specific flaws, but also a general indispensable human condition carried with you.
** The project introduced in ‘AdaCAD: Parametric Design as a New Form of Notation for Complex Weaving’ of Laura Devendorf(Assistant Professor at University of Colorado Boulder ATLAS Institute & Information Science Department)

The project introduced in 'AdaCAD: Parametric Design as a New Form of Notation for Complex Weaving' of Laura Devendorf(Assistant Professor at University of Colorado Boulder ATLAS Institute & Information Science Department)
by-nc-nd Inyeong Song