Wintersemester 2008/09,
Uncanny (Video - color/sound, 4:18’ DV)
According to Sigmund Freud: "the uncanny arises in us (…) it is something that was once familiar and now is uncanny.” How are these uncanny spaces created?. Which places or architecture provoke rather uncanny feelings; create a feeling of homelessness?
Thinking about what makes a room or a place uncanny, and what gives people peace and stability and is experienced as 'home' or 'homely' this video work aims to translate the uncanny into an artistic medium by transforming a cozy home into uncanny one and the opposite, giving familiarness and coziness to unknown alien spaces. The idea of 'uncanny' triggers further questions about how the state of 'familiarness' swings, for example, through social and individual alienation in 'uncanniness'.
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