Sommersemester 2009,
Julius Burchard
Diploma Summer 2009, supervised by Prof. Alex Jordan and Prof. Wim Westerveld
«behindert?!» is a multimedia campaign with the aim to create awareness for the importance of parking lots for the disabled.
Its purpose is to alert the general public to the necessity of keeping those parking lots vacant, because in order to take part in everyday life, handicapped people are more strongly dependent on their car than non-handicapped people.
The title of the campaign, «behindert», has a double meaning; on the one hand it designates someone who is disabled, on the other hand someone who disables.
The basic element of «behindert?!» is a fluorescent yellow poster. On its back, essential information concerning parking lots for the handicapped can be found.
Put on the windshield of a nonhandicapped driver`s car illegally parked on a parking lot for the handicapped (something that occurs regularly, not only in Berlin), the poster is meant to not only catch the driver`s eye, but also the attention of the passers-by. The wrongly parked, disabling car is thus visually stigmatised.
Apart from the poster, the campaign consists of a sticker as well as a campaign-film (submitted here on dvd), furthermore a cinema-spot and two songs about the topic all provided on a cd.
Together with the poster folded down to an information flyer, these items build an information package which can be spread to the public in information actions or distributed to driving schools and can be ordered via internet.
As a slightly longer lasting reminder not to park on parking lots for the handicapped, the sticker could also be used by communal staff like traffic wardens.
Of course, «behindert» is mainly aimed at non-handicapped drivers, but the campaign also tries to raise a more general awareness of the importance of reserved parking spaces for the mobility of handicapped people.

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