Wintersemester 2023/2024, BA/MA Visuelle Kommunikation VK_Startseite
ℳ · Mapping The World Inside Me, 2024
Maps are often used to help us understanding the world we live in. They provide orientation about where we are and where we can go. But what does a map look like that not only shows our physical surrounding, but also the world inside us?
Equipped with a pen, my sketchbook and my dream diary, I recorded moments during the time of my spring exchange at the Kyoto University of Arts, Japan, from April to July 2023: conversations with people, impressions from my daily life, as well as dreams. After each Month of April, May and June, I printed a small zine capturing moments from that specific time. All drawings and texts are taken from my personal journals, sketchbook and dream diary.
These records together form the collage of a big map. The map may not provide orientation, and is yet maybe a more „real“ visualization of a subjective reality within three Months.

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