, BA/MA Textil- und Material-Design Exzellenzcluster , Textil_Startseite

Book Launch Galerie Aedes, "Architectures of Weaving"

Book Launch Event of »Architectures of Weaving« --

Roundtable Discussion with Editors and Contributors of the Multidisciplinary Anthology


On Wednesday, January 25th, 2023, 6:30–8 pm, the publication »Architectures of Weaving« was successfully launched with a transdisciplinary roundtable discussion at the Architecture Gallery Aedes in Berlin-Mitte. The editors Christiane Sauer, Mareike Stoll, Ebba Fransén Waldhör, and Maxie Schneider invited the public to exchange on the idea of »Architectures of Weaving« with book-contributors and members of the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity« Peter Fratzl, Lorenzo Guiducci, Regine Hengge, Heike Illing-Günther, and Karin Krauthausen.


The contributors to the roundtable

Prof Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Fratzl, director at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, heading the Department of Biomaterials, co-directs the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Activity«

Dr. Lorenzo Guiducci, a biomedical engineer with a PhD in Physics, Science of Biomaterials

Prof. Dr. Regine Hengge, a full professor of Microbiology in Berlin since 1998, Principal Investigator at »Matters of Activity«

Dr. Heike Illing-Günther, degree in Engineering Chemistry and a doctorate in Food and Environmental Toxicology, Managing Director of the Saxon Textile Research Institute (STFI) and Associated Member to »Matters of Activity«

Dr. Karin Krauthausen, a literary scholar and cultural historian with a focus on Weaving and Research Associate at »Matters of Activity«


The editorial team

Prof. Christiane Sauer, architect and professor for Material Design in the architectural context at weißensee school of art and design berlin, PI at »Matters of Activity«

Ebba Fransén Waldhör, artist, designer, and lecturer who works in spa­tial installation and design research, with a primary focus on textile

Maxie Schneider is an architect and researches adaptive material systems at »Matters of Activity«

Dr. Mareike Stoll, literary scholar and photo-historian, is a Research Associate at »Matters of Activity« and weißensee school of art and design


About the venue »Aedes«

Through a wide range of events such as exhibitions and accompanying debates on topical issues, the Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory in Berlin Mitte is a dynamic platform that addresses the interests of protagonists from a wide variety of professional fields. For over 40 years, the Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory has strived to illustrate outstanding examples of contemporary architectural and urbanistic visions to a broad audience.


Find more information about contents of the publication on the website of JOVIS Verlag.


Now also Open Access: www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783868598315/html

Teilnehmer Ebba Fransén Waldhör, Maxie Schneider, Mareike Stoll, Prof. Christiane Sauer
ProjektkategorieInformation Projekt-Fächer BA/MA Textil- und Material-Design
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"
Book Launch Event Publication "Architectures of Weaving"