Sommersemester 2009,
Berlin 'Arm aber Sexy' (City guidebook, 26 pa
-Monuments, seen in the broader sense, are artistically arranged objects, which are created with the aim to remind the public of a notable historical event, custom or historical personalities. Usually set for a long period of time, at the same place, they are accessible to all social classes.
The aim of the project “Berlin is poor but sexy” (a statement of the Berlin mayor Klaus Wowereit), on the contrary, is to set ephemeral monuments out of the present everyday-life reality, an individually selected situation instead of historical and national one. In additon, it adresses the city's everyday actuality and the problems related to it, which are not that 'sexy' at all. The work, representing an alternative city guide, indicates and promotes this issues in an ironical manner, and 'lifts' the city life to a level of a tourist attraction.

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