Wintersemester 2016/2017,
In ‘Work Work Work’, recently graduated artists based out of Berlin/Warsau rethink and re-introduce their diploma works in order to create a vigorous, hive-like space where they come together virtually and actually, attempting to maintain pace and motion beyond the point of this final-graduation-frontier. The exhibition takes place simultaneously in both locations and is connected through live-streaming.
By streaming they call into consideration our perception and understanding of space in a post-internet world, reflecting on what defines it and how can it be delimited when it is virtually shared, if at all. Work Work Work!
Participating Artists: Benjamin Althammer, Lena Marie Emrich, Laura Grudniewska, Ingeborg Wie Henriksen, Sara Kramer, Michalina Ludmiła Musielak, Justina Los, Peter Odinzow, Sebastian Omatsch, Iwo Rachwał, Anselm Schenkluhn, Mikołaj Sobczak, Grzegorz Stefański, Piotr Urbaniec.
OPENING: Thu, 29. Sep, 20.00h
RUNNING: 29.09.2016 - 01.10.2016
@: Leipziger Straße 63, 10117 Berlin

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Lena Marie Emrich

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Lena Marie Emrich

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Lena Marie Emrich

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Lena Marie Emrich

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Lena Marie Emrich