Sommersemester 2015, BA/MA Textil- und Material-Design DXM
Future Materials – Talk#1 ST4SD
Di, 05.05.2015 – 16:00 Uhr – Aula
Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts 'Smart Tools For Smart Design' hält Prof. Dr. Mark Miodownik vom Institute of Making, London, einen Vortrag über die Zukunft von Materialien.
Im Anschluss sprechen Experten der Fraunhofer Institute IAP, IKTS und IWU über spezielle formveränderbare Materialien (Dielektrische Elastomere, Piezokeramiken und Formgedächtnislegierungen) und deren besondere Fähigkeiten.
Die Vorträge mit Gespräch sind in englischer Sprache.
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Future Materials
There are living things that we call life, and there are non-living stuff which we call rocks, tools, buildings and so on. As a result of our greater understanding of matter, this distinction is now becoming blurred and is likely to usher in a new materials age: bionic people with synthetic organs, bones and even brains will be the norm. Just as we become more synthetic, so our man-made environment will change to become more lifelike, living buildings, and objects that heal-themselves are becoming a reality. This talk reviews the imminent changes to the material world that are coming our way.
Mark Miodownik is Director of Institute of Making and Professor of Materials & Society at UCL where he teaches and runs a research group. He received his Ph.D in turbine jet engine alloys from Oxford University in 1996 and since then has published more than 100 research papers. His current research interests are smart materials, innovative manufacturing, and sensoaesthetic materials. Prof Miodownik regularly presents BBC TV programmes on engineering, and he is author of Stuff Matters which won the Royal Society Winton Prize. In 2014 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Future Materials
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