Wintersemester 2015/2016, BA/MA Produkt-Design

Glas & Licht

re:flect re:fract re:light


Glass is transparent for light, the visible portion of electromagnetic radiation. Depending on its properties, it can also absorb, reflect, refract, diffract, filter, focus or scatter light. In glass, the immaterial light finds a great carrier material, and it is only in connection with light that the properties of glass become visible. The relationship between glass and light has always been close: glass windows allow light into the house and before electricity was invented, shoemaker's globes, chandeliers and mirrors tried to make the most of natural light by focussing, scattering or reflecting it. Optical lenses offered new insights into the micro and macro cosmos by refracting the light. The glass light bulb catalysed the development of the glass industry. Opaque glass shades soften the new bright light. Nowadays, glass fibre-optic cables transmit data over long distances and bring light to inaccessible locations. For some years now, LEDs enable completely new forms of lighting technology – to find out what effect they would have together with glass was a central part of this project. What can the relationship between glass and light be today? How can man, light and glass interact?


supported by Maestro Peter Kuchinke and Glasmanufaktur Harzkristall Derenburg

Teilnehmer Elisabeth Hammann, Laura Görs, Sophie Langhorst, Ying Li, Mirjam Weber
ProjektkategorieSemesterprojekt Projekt-Fächer BA/MA Produkt-Design
Maestro Peter Kuchinke
Maestro Peter Kuchinke

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Barbara Schmidt

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Barbara
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Slumping, F. Rasehorn R. Hoske

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Alle Rechte vorbehalten Barbara Schmidt

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Barbara Schmidt
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Alle Rechte vorbehalten Barbara Schmidt

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Barbara Schmidt

Alle Rechte vorbehalten Barbara Schmidt